Monday, October 31, 2016


Well I think the first little test went okay. I do feel like I sometimes ramble on when I write. I will definitely try to fix that by writing a pre-write.  I did do a sort of pre-write in my heada. I always get a general outline of how I'm going to go about writing my response. I did understand the questions. But I didn't take advantage of the fact that the questions were posted a day before. My mind was preoccupied with other thoughts. ( Our team had our county meet that Thursday). I can probably improve on some things when I take my tests.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Well the testing for 3 hours always sucks! Especially in the uncomfortable seats of the ethel pope. Since I took that test last year I could see if it was easier. It did feel easier and I understood more. The one good thing that comes out of the psat is the memes. Last year there was a ton of memes about the psat so I had that to look forward to. And this years were just as funny. Man the internet culture is cool.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Your American Voice

        " Use your voice!" That is probably something I dread. I know using your voice is important so why is it still hard for me to speak up. I hate speaking up in  room full of strangers so that is one reason. I definitely feel safer speaking up on the internet where there is anonymity. Sometimes I see others speak up and looks like it comes naturally. See every now and then I will say something so perfectly it's like a scene out of a movie. One thing I should work on is knowing my audience. My opinion might feel more important if everyone agrees with them.
          A major problem is also fear of backlash. I can say that it's intimidating when your in a group of people and you say something and everyone collectively looks at you as if you are stupid. Mostly I find speaking up an inconvenience. I am not going to lose by not speaking up. I do realize that if I do speak up and say something stupid everyone will forget about it.  I find that if I hear something that triggers emotions I usually don't think before I say something. Most people are like that so you see people that are aware of this and use their words as bait. Which is smart if you are speaking to a group of people.
         Speaking in front of strangers is hard but speaking up for a friend not so much.When I see a friend getting talked down upon, it is only natural to go into defending mode. There is a sense of also feeling hurt when you see your friends getting hurt.  Speaking up about that comes natural and feels right. Now speaking up for stranger like when you see someone doing some illegal stuff is different. To speak up it involves reporting someone to someone else. In other words "snitching". So I personally don't really like to speak up on other people's business unless it is very serious. Wow speaking up is a real challenge.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Vocabulary #6

meme: an element of a culture that is considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means
 All these crazy ideas must have been memes from the last generation.

virus:a code often planted illegally in a computer program, often to damage or shut down a system
Every laptop that I have ever owned was infected by a virus.

viral: involving the spreading of information and opinions about a product especially on the internet
My embarrassing video where i fell went viral.

blog: a website containing the author's log or opinions
I could not believe I have been doing a blog for over a year now.

wiki: a website that allows interaction with the users to edit and revise
I can only see that madness if some people turned their blogs to wikis.

URL: an address that defines a particular file on the internet
My URL is personalized so people can find me easier

website: a connected group of pages on the World Wide Web regarded as a single entity
My websie was doing good but i noticed there was some glitches.

www: a network of interlinked documents, World Wide Web
The world Wide Web seems so futuristic when you think about its many uses

internet: a vast computer network linking smaller computer networks
The internet is so practical nowadays and can only be seen as a great tool.

2.0: a more advanced and interactive system
Our blogs were 2.0 in the sense that we can interact with each other

open source: meaning a software which its original source code is open to the public
Maybe one day I can make an open source very useful to everyone.


This presidential election has transformed into a battle, with venomous attacks from both aggravating parties. Hillary has remained stolid, and I personally want to punch Trump in the proboscis. His supporters have slowly dissolved and the ones who have remained are hypnotized into believing America will be great again. We have to illuminate on the sad state of society right now.This is a melancholy moment in American history because soon one of these candidates will be president. Most of us feel Trump should be suspended from presidency after all his crude remarks. I earnestly believe that neither candidate should be eligible for office. We can all just be on the fringe of our seats and watch. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Essay 1 Revised

      Look around you and what do you see? You see the truly unique people that make this life worth it all. You look at U.S.A and see the ethnically diverse people that make this great country. I can wholeheartedly agree with E.M Forster's view that personal relations are more important than causes or patriotism.  Personal relations are more emotional and involving than patriotism or causes. You can argue that maybe with patriotism many soldiers put their life on the line for this country but really they are doing it because of their family back home. Most personal relations trigger deep emotions and really show people their true side. Personal relations keep people motivated and alive also, it fuels the patriotism in a way.
       Patriotism is something that Americans take to the heart but do they really? You see it everywhere in the Pledge of Allegiance or every neighborhood with their flag waving in the wind. I know well enough that what makes this country great is the connections with people. If it weren't for the personal relations, the soldiers fighting might not feel as motivated. Personal motivations show a special kind of intrinsic motivation. It allows  you to fight for those people and the connections you have with them. Patriotism is just a side effect of having those personal relations.
        Personal relations are healthy. They allow you to live life with a purpose. You see people come back from war with Shell Shock because they put their life out there for their country. But when they have no one to come back to when it is all over, they think what is the point. Personal relations in a way fuel the patriotism in you. Most people can say they would take a bullet for their family but if it comes to it would you die for your country? Maybe to save your country means saving your family so really your protecting those personal relations.
     Another point can be said that personal relations are always going to be there. They will never betray you and always be supportive. This patriotism on the other hand seems like it is always prohibiting you. The nation doesn't always help you , it actually makes it harder for you to be successful. The nation does offer free college if you join the army but look at the veterans of this nation. You see a lot of suicide among veterans and homelessness. So how did this patriotic country helped them. The veterans had no where else to go but to their country.
      With all due respect to the hardcore patriots of this country, patriotism is just not the same without those personal relations. I agree with E.M Forster's view and you should to. It only makes sense that personal relations are the ones motivating you and showing what this nation is worth for. Thank your nation for housing those wonderful people. 


Some of the cross country team.
So yesterday on Saturday we had a great workout.  It's always fun just working hard with my teammates. We all got Subway afterwards and took this photo. I guess I felt like a decent human being because I gave my friends a ride home after but I would never say no to them anyways. We're  always tired after the workout and I never mind giving them a ride. 

On a side note, today we got a puppy! My first dog ever, hopefully he likes running. 

Monday, October 3, 2016

Vocab #5

Venomous-  full of or containing venom
I like to stay away from snakes because they are venomous.

Stolid- not easily stirred or moved emotionally
To be the best torturer he has to be very stolid.

hypnotized- to influence or control
She had me hypnotized with her belly dancing.

suspended- to hang by attachment to something above
I was suspended only by rope while i climbed the redwoood tree.

transformed- to change in form or appearance.
I did not know it bu i had transformed into a young man after my beard grew.

accuse- to charge with fault or offense
I accused my teacher of always picking on me when a math problem comes up.

anticipate-  to realize beforehand
Dogs anticipate everything like earthquakes I swear.

fringe -a decorative border of thread or cord
The decorative fringe made me have respect for the artist.

melancholy- a gloomy state of mind
On some days the melancholy of life just hits you.

earnestly- serious in intention
Doctors have to be very earnest with their words.

dissolve- to undo or break up
The sugar just dissolved into my coffee as soon as I poured it in.

aggravate- to make worse or more severe
Never aggravate a needy 2 year old child as they will make you hate your life.

illuminate- to brighten with light
In rural parts the stars illuminate the night.

capillary- resembling a strand of hair.
The small tubes looked like capillaries because of their width.

proboscis- any long flexible snout
The proboscis on the mosquito was disgusting and made me hate it it more.

Atascadero Invite Cross Country Meet

Saturday at a cross country meet. We all had fun and of course Luis did what he does best, medal. This meet was one of the more challenging ones because the course was so hilly but we made it!
Here are some of the pictures that we took. My teammate did a good write up, check it out!
Luis Santos Blog
