Look around you and what do you see? You see the truly unique people that make this life worth it all. You look at U.S.A and see the ethnically diverse people that make this great country. I can wholeheartedly agree with E.M Forster's view that personal relations are more important than causes or patriotism. Personal relations are more emotional and involving than patriotism or causes. You can argue that maybe with patriotism many soldiers put their life on the line for this country but really they are doing it because of their family back home. Most personal relations trigger deep emotions and really show people their true side. Personal relations keep people motivated and alive also, it fuels the patriotism in a way.
Patriotism is something that Americans take to the heart but do they really? You see it everywhere in the Pledge of Allegiance or every neighborhood with their flag waving in the wind. I know well enough that what makes this country great is the connections with people. If it weren't for the personal relations, the soldiers fighting might not feel as motivated. Personal motivations show a special kind of intrinsic motivation. It allows you to fight for those people and the connections you have with them. Patriotism is just a side effect of having those personal relations.
Personal relations are healthy. They allow you to live life with a purpose. You see people come back from war with Shell Shock because they put their life out there for their country. But when they have no one to come back to when it is all over, they think what is the point. Personal relations in a way fuel the patriotism in you. Most people can say they would take a bullet for their family but if it comes to it would you die for your country? Maybe to save your country means saving your family so really your protecting those personal relations.
Another point can be said that personal relations are always going to be there. They will never betray you and always be supportive. This patriotism on the other hand seems like it is always prohibiting you. The nation doesn't always help you , it actually makes it harder for you to be successful. The nation does offer free college if you join the army but look at the veterans of this nation. You see a lot of suicide among veterans and homelessness. So how did this patriotic country helped them. The veterans had no where else to go but to their country.
With all due respect to the hardcore patriots of this country, patriotism is just not the same without those personal relations. I agree with E.M Forster's view and you should to. It only makes sense that personal relations are the ones motivating you and showing what this nation is worth for. Thank your nation for housing those wonderful people.
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