Wednesday, September 28, 2016


My ten favorite logical fallacies.

Ad hominem
He is really overweight and not attractive so do his opinions on child obesity even matter?

 Ad populum
The famous politician said "We should hand out money. Who here woudn't like free money?"

Ad antiquitatem
Citizens should have the access to weapons like they always have had.

Straw Man
Many people agree with  the fact that we need to create a 15 foot high fence on Canada's border

Slippery Slope
Every parent is scared that if there child is even 5 feet around drugs, their child will start doing them.

Alot of Americans think just because someone wears a burqa they are a terrorist.

Tu quoque
He was judging the other one for his harsh actions when the other came back at him with sonething the harsh avtions he has done.

Special Pleading
When his claims about global warming were debunked he said it would be better to test this in the summer.

They said global warming didn't exist because there was snow on the ground.

Complex Question
He quickly interjected and said," Why haven't you paid your taxes?"

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